Regulatory Support

A fundamental service that requires precision, care, maximum attention to detail as well as constant updating

Regulatory: the service always alongside your product.

The regulatory environment in which we work is constantly evolving, thanks to the close collaboration between Ministry of Health, companies and consumers.

For this reason, thanks to the precious work carried out by our regulatory office, we can provide the customer with all the necessary support, starting from the design and validation of the formula, in accordance with the legislation in relation to permitted substances and related nutritional inputs.

Certainty and guarantee to the customer

This complex service requires precision, attention and the utmost care of details as well as constant updating. Salix guarantees adequate support on:


During the entire process it's essential to be supported regarding technical documentation, reporting and specific advice

Relations with

Maintaining relations with certification bodies and competent authorities, both national and foreign, it's foundamental

Careful and precise

An indispensable ingredient to accompany the customer and his product from the initial idea to the market, in complete safety